Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday Funtabulous

This video is from a while ago, I found it and couldn't help but put it up...

I've been taking care of myself and remembering that Ami is 2 which has helped with my patience and crankiness.

This morning we listened to Andrew Bird while we ate Peanut Butter Puffins with fresh sliced strawberries.
We played a little bit before we got ready for our day.
We went to open gym at the gymnastics center.

Then we went to Eileen's to have lunch. Ami was so hungry she had half of a honey graham Z-Bar in the car.

To get to Eileen's from where we were, we drove down the 'tree tunnel' as Ami calls it to get to the other side of the river. While we were doing that, I put on some Louis Armstrong. Build A Dream On started playing and every time I hear that song, I think of the first time Mike and I kissed.  We were working on a project and afterward we were driving back to our neighborhood in his car and he put on this Louie Armstrong song...  I texted him this memory and he said he was a smooth operator.
Ah I love him.

Ar Eileen's Ami and I ordered the couscous w cauliflower that had feta, al dente green lentils, onions chopped up finely and of course couscous and cauliflower.
As you can see, I think she liked it.
I'm thinking I could make it with quinoa instead of couscous to make it more nutrient packed.

Then she ate a bit of the devil food cupcake she picked out. Haha, she was so excited about this.

We went home and she took a nap.

She woke up and we went to the water park. I can't believe how much she is growing up. This morning she said, "I put this (a hair band) on my foot for safe keeping."

We came home and had green eggs (eggs with the salad booster) and whole wheat toast.  Then I made some ice milk and strawberry sauce.
Haha, Ami was really excited we made 'ice cream.'
I forget sometimes she is old enough to get excited about making things.

When it was bath time, Ami was asking me about my scar on my belly, asking me what happened.
I told her they took skin from my belly and put it on my finger. She said "Oh, it's better?"
I said, yeh, it's better. Then she kissed my scar.

Oh my goodness.

Right now she's in bed and I am going to get in bed and watch some more Mad Men. It's streaming on Netflix.

I do double takes when I walk into the girls' bathroom at the Y.  I think I walked into the boys' bathroom. I am so embarrassed I do that.

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