Thursday, July 28, 2011

blk.- the new water.

My aunt brought the mint water to the beach which got my mom started which got me started. I need to grow some mint.

Earlier I said I was going to Wegman's to buy blk water. I totally did after Mike read up on it then I looked into pH balances of the body a little more. Some info on alkaline and pH
The blk water says it has a high pH of +9.0 which apparently is amazing.
The typical American diet is mostly acidic. The acidic foods include meat, dairy, grains, coffee, sodas, and artificial sweeteners.
Alkaline foods are most fruits, green veggies, lentils, spices, and herbs.
I got all this info from the website which has even more info.
Pretty nutty...

Fyi, the bottle is clear plastic.

Anyway, I taught class this morning...

and afterwards Papa left to be a rock star as Ami and I hung out at the house.  We were both kind of tired. I got to take a teeny nap which I greatly appreciated.
Then we went to Target to get more diapers and wipes as well as a birthday present for Lilly, a little lady who is turning 3.

I found a microphone and a harmonica, I thought she might enjoy (now that I think about it... her parents, too... oops).  The microphone was from B. and is pretty spiffy. Ami enjoyed it until we found a Dora microphone. Dude.  It plays songs from Dora and she was smitten. I had to get that, too.

We were rocking out to the B52s on our way to Target but on our way back, we rocked out to Ami singing Dora. I am not complaining. It was so cute.

The microphone is not in this picture and I'm surprised.

We went home and while I made some lemon and potato soup w kale, we ate some cherries.

Lemon Kale Potato soup... It's tasty.

For dessert we had strawberries and some Galia melon and Juan Canary  melon.

After we ate, Ami took a bath, I painted her nails as she sat on the potty. She picked out pink and sparkly. They are pretty awesome.
Ami fell asleep quickly after her bath and Elmo stories.  Oh!!!  I almost forgot, Ami kissed my belly which was so super sweet. I asked her if she kissed Ollie and she said yes.  Oh my goodness. I love my family.
I wish I wasn't sleeping without my my favorite person these next few nights -sigh-.

I just found this in my drop box.  Thank you, Mike! I wish Bart's wiener was showing.

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