Sunday, July 24, 2011

I took a quick snap shot of the Mazda Pick-up. It looks just like our 85 Pick-up and it's been sooo long since I'd seen one.  When I DO see one, it's brown. I wonder if this one has power steering.

And this is my monkey.....

We drew on the window for Papa's Birthday. Ami said she was drawing a fish and she ate it.
That is why she has color on her face... it's fish drawing.

And all day Saturday, Ami talked about Papa's party. She was so excited. She didn't want to take a nap. She fell asleep coming home from picking up the cake and stayed asleep while carrying her and the (ice cream) cake, putting it in the freezer.  It wasn't until I laid her down on her bed she woke up saying, "No bed! No bed!"

Jenna, Jay, Trish, Matt, and Larry took Mike out for some drinks. Gabby, Ami, and I stayed home and watched my censored version of Working Girl as I got the final touches done.

Here, Jenna and Trish are watching Ami freeze ppl w the freezer pack that was used moments ago for her bumped noggin.

It's the King Mike... and of course by the end of the night, Ami was calling Papa, "Mike."

The baking of the brie w fig preserves and almonds as well as the bevy of essential oils and jojoba oil in my bathroom was the beginning of the great debate of the night....  The boys were telling me I was a hippie.  
I'm not.     
I'm punk.  

Look at Matt laughing at me.

Sometime after thi,s the dance party kicked off with Craig making a toast. I had asked him earlier if he'd efficient Mike and my renewing of our vows that night.  I didn't share a vow really, I just told him that I was really lucky to know him and the amazement I have that we exist together ( I mean... I think I said this I don't remember much cuz I was pretty emotional. I also didn't want to get too deep cuz ... I didn't want to cry).

Thank you Craig for being awesome and incidentally being a fantastic D.J.  I'd hire you.

"On a rope, on a rope!"

My beautiful dancing lady...

Ami's bite marks in the cake which will explain her Don Juan chocolate facial hair...

And this was the start of Matt's barfalanche...


  1. I love that in that one picture, I'm laughing so hard it looks like I'm in pain. The pic of Ami upside down on the bar is SO stinking cute. I can't believe how big she's getting!

  2. I love that picture too, pixxie!
    And, Dude, yeah, I am amazed everyday by her growth.
