Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday- Craig's Birthday Party Day...

Ami and I have been preparing for Craig's party since yesterday when we got ingredients for his brownies and cupcakes.

Today started out rough, however, when we woke up for Nina's early class. Leaving at 8:30a.m. is really hard.
I knew she'd have fun and work through being tired and she did- although she had her moments.

We decided not to go to the Market fun time where they kick off  The Family Table week after class but opted to chill at home and eat lunch and make the cupcakes and brownies.

The Family Table is a new event that recruits willing participating chef- owned restaurants make their menus and spaces more family friendly.

Afterwards, we went to Market Square where Family Table stuff was continued. I met a lady whose friend is a pediatrician and started the whole revamping child's menus at restaurants and making the Farmer's market more family friendly.

We talked and I told her about our former pediatrician who told me to switch from feeding Ami breast milk to cow milk and feed her hot dogs to get her weight up.
She was floored and appalled as is most ppl Mike and I tell the story to. She asked about the pediatrician and I said, "It's Dr. Johnson at Pratt Pediatric."
Heh heh...
It would be so nice for the kids to have a doctor know more about nutrition than I do. I mean actually know more, not think they know more.
I don't understand why ppl don't correlate eating healthy foods with being healthy.
Ever since I've been eating better, I've been getting sick less often- honestly. I also don't have heartburn nearly as often and I haven't had much tummy trouble otherwise. I used to have spells where I was nauseated in the mornings and couldn't do anything before 11a.m. I don't get that anymore.

It was so nice talking to the lady because we were on the same page. She didn't look at me like I was crazy.  We talked about how kids will eat what the adults are eating and we just need to be persistent with foods that kids don't at first try or like.  I put carrots on Ami's plate often. Does she eat them?  No. She'll bite sometimes, but I know she's getting familiar with them and eventually, she will eat them. Who doesn't love carrots?

We wanted to stay longer, but it was so hot and humid.
To cool off, we went to Hyperion for some iced tea and a banana.

And then we saw and fell in love w this bike.

We frosted Craig's brownies and cupcakes.
Ami was so cranky I made her lay down and take a nap before we left. Thank goodness I did. She was in such a good mood at the party.

A little marathon of Adventure Time.  They were so good.

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