Monday, April 30, 2012

Derby Workshop and Gymnastics Show

On Saturday, I got up at 3:30am for the first part of the Derby Workshop in Hagerstown, MD.

Ppl have seen my eyeballs that late... but not that early.

Teflon Donna, one of  the top skaters in the US, taught us (not-so-basic) basics like hockey stops and backwards duck walks.

We lined up to hit and be hit, using a cross over for momentum to hit our still and breathing dummy. I got hit so hard I was on the floor for a few seconds longer than I normally am.

I came home around 12:30 and got Ami ready for her date w Nina at the Y.  Nina's kids were having a show for Healthy Kids' Day.

Ami did so amazingly well.

Ami had such a great time and she felt like a big kid. 

Sunday night I went to Part 2 of the Derby Workshop.
We worked on offensive and defensive blocking. I took and gave some hits.
We learned strategy and scrimmaged.

I got home at 12:30am I believe and I was exhausted.

I am so fortunate to have been able to be part of this. I learned so much and will utilize all of it.


  1. You had such a busy weekend! Your ladies were marvelous last night. Beanie had such a good time playing with them.

  2. Yeah, I did. And thank you so so much for watching the kids. I know they had a great time. :) We love you guys.
