Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Almonds And Honey
I've been putting almonds and honey on everything I can- oatmeal, yogurt, toast.
I ran out of yogurt and am going crazy.
Mike doesn't really know the extent of my craving of grapes, yogurt, honey and almonds.
I want it now!
...And now Mike knows.
We didn't make Ami's gymnastics class today.
We did, however, get a lot of much needed stuff done. Mike used his parents' truck to take the couch to the dump along w goodwill items.
We also went to Foode w Granny. Ami tried my black bean burger, Mike's harvest plate w rice, and Granny's cherries.
I wish I had gotten the cookies and milk, too.
I also saw the lady I met at the Family Table event at Market Square. She's the one who is friends w Doctor Yum! We chatted and she is just so nice. I want to be part of that circle, ha ha. They are so classy.
After Granny left and the fam took a nap, we all went to Garry's house to clean and Mike and Larry talk nerd.
Our bedrooms are clean and Ami's new bed is set up. She is so excited to move.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
'I Not Rock And Roll. I Just Rock.' AMI
It's Sunday night and I am watching more My Name Is Earl. We are in season four, episode two- M.N.I.E. has great music, btw.
Mike is in bed w me working on flash stuff.
Ami is in her bed and Ollie is laying on my chest.
Ollie is being a fussypants. I think she has gas in her belly.
I feel so bad for her. My milk has come in full force and down her throat. I pumped SEVEN whole ounces from one boob today. That is almost a whole cup of milk in my boob. It is insane!
Anyway... We packed and went through office stuff... It is a lot of junk and misplaced stuff.
Ami and I painted on some onesies for Ollie. I love hers.
We also met up w Garry and Bean at Castiglias. Going down Charles Street always reminds me of the old practice space. All those beers... Anyway...
911 Charles has changed. It is now a gallery. I barely recognised it!
I kept Ollie in the sling, snug as a bug. She stayed asleep the whole time at the restaurant and during our short walk around the block.
Tomorrow we'll go for another walk, maybe go to the grocery store... We'll definitely pack pack pack. This week is going to be crazy.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
More Family Time!
I went for my first walk in over a week. Well it was my first step outside, actually. It was awesome. So awesome, we walked to the library. I kept Ollie hidden in the sling as I feared germ exposure.
Marilee really gave us a lecture on protecting Ollie
She said 2 homebirths this year ended up in ICU due to sickness from being exposed too early.
She mentioned the usual baby etiquette for visitors- hand washing and not touching baby's face and hands... But also just limiting other ppl handling her.
At the library, we talked w Miss Courtney and read some books and unexpectedly saw R.J. w his Pip.
I miss that R.J.
It was a good walk.
At home, Mike packed some and Ami played.
I dreamed about pumpkin parfaits, pumpkin smoothies, and pumpkin baked oatmeal.
I also dreamed about my clothes.
I really miss them!
I also know what I want to do w my hair, now that I can dye it again.
OH! And tattoos! Ah! Tomie angels on my back. Poppies and/or dogwood flowers on my hand.
I love not being pregnant as much as I love being pregnant:)
Gabby and I discussed getting a CSA at Snead's Asparagus Farm next year.
Apparently it's a lot of food so we will probably share. Hopefully I'll get back in the groove of bread making. We'll be the healthiest kids on the block!
Until then, ha ha, shows I've been watching having to stay in bed are... Frasier, My Name Is Earl, Roseanne, and Say Yes To The Dress on rotation. I just started The Next Generation... It is pretty awesome.
I have been dreaming about music videos and my album.... The Crypts' next album and shows.
There is so much stuff I want to do!
Friday, October 21, 2011
...or Bean.
...or Monkey Bean.
She has been called all of these.
She was born Thursday the 13th at 1:48pm after 5 hours of active labor.
I started having contractions around 9pm the night before and they came ten to fifteen minutes apart around eleven. Then they were at 7 to ten min apart at 4 and that's when we called Marilee.
She came, as well as her assistants Leanne and Camilla. They were all in our room watching me so my contractions slowed down. I should have gotten up and baked the almond energy muffins like I was intending had I not gone into labor. </p>
I went on a couple of walks which resulted in more contractions.
Then Mike and I popped in Despicable Me and watched that until the contractions were 5 minutes apart and really intense.
That's when I hopped in the tub.
I wanna say I was in there for 2 or 3 hours breathing through the contractions. I totally agreed then and there that we weren't having anymore children, ha ha.
Mike said I mastered the Kung fu. Marilee said she wasn't sure how far along I was because I just breathed through the contractions.
I told her that I knew if I didn't, the pain would only be worse- and dude... It was insane.
On every contraction, I focused on feeling my cervix open and her coming down.
This proved to be the thing to do because she came out in 3 pushes and as Marilee said to me, Your bottom looks great.
Ha ha.
I feel great.
And Ollie is amazing.
So far she is chill and awake, alert, a great nurser.
She was 6.8 pounds and 19.5 inches long w short little legs!
Even though she weighs as much as Ami did and is shorter than Ami was, Ollie fits the onesies Ami didn't because her torso is longer.
Bean and Labby came to visit...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Waiting For Ollie Is So Hard!!
I started having contractions Monday night and Tuesday morning.
Early labor has started!
I've been watching My Name is Earl and Frasier as well as reading The Wholesome Junk Food Cookbook and The Cleaner Plate Club I got from the library.
I love them both and reflect my beliefs of food and nutrition :) which pretty much is, you are what you eat.
Some recipes I want to try:
Almond Energy Muffins
Peanut Butter and Jelly Belly Zebra Pops
Mini Pumpkin Pies
Beet Chocolate Brownies
I'm going to make the Almond Energy Muffins tomorrow morning.
I'm trying to get a good night's sleep cuz Ollie's coming!
Ah contractions feel so good =\
Monday, October 10, 2011
Pirate Nightmares Suck.
I woke up with "Masters of War" stuck in my head and it all was so heavy I couldn't go back to sleep.
I turned on some "Frasier" then went to get something to eat and noticed I was cold. I remembered Ami didn't want a blanket last night so I checked on her. She seemed slightly chilly, I put a light blanket on her but she woke up.
I snuggled with her.
She wasn't going back to sleep so I told her I had a nightmare and I felt better now that I was holding her.
She's a very good listener.
We snuggled a bit more. I was trying to sleep and she was telling me about the flower she found on the collar of her pajamas... and then something about her pillow... then something about something else and so on.
She eventually let me sleep a bit.
She eventually asked me if she could go see Papa.
She and Papa made pancakes again. Ami poured and flipped them! She also dressed herself today, too.
So big...
We've been talking about describing words like 'big' and 'tiny' as well as, 'next to' and 'behind.'
I know right now I haven't been giving my 100% to her and I feel really guilty. Since I've recognized it, I've gotten better, and I have been giving her more hugs and kisses. I've also been trying to be more imaginative w her, although my head is in the clouds about entirely different imaginations.
She's so beautiful.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
"You Talkin To Me?"
Oh!!! and before we went out to pick up Papa, kids were throwing a Yuengling bottle, smashing it in the parking lot.
I was at the top of the stairs when I heard them do this,when I looked, a boy picked up the bottle. He said, "Let me smash it!"
I said, "I don't appreciate your smashing glass in the parking lot!!!"
Of course because I made it about how I felt, he threw the bottle down anyway.
So... something came over me and I did my first old lady, "Where are your parents? Take me to them."
"You're going to talk to my mom?"
On our way to his apartment, I told him how dangerous throwing broken glass in the parking lot- especially w a bunch of kids around.
I stood by his door and waited for a couple of minutes.
His mom came out in- no lie- a moo-moo and curlers.
I told her what happened and I couldn't read her face.
Whatev, right? I hate this neighborhood.
I picked up Mike and we were off to Joe and Nikki's house to eat and play Dominoes.
The pizza was from Dominoes.
It was good.
We made up more verses to "Wheels on the Bus."
"The Papa on the bus goes fart, fart, fart..."
"The Mama on the bus..."
"The Ami on the bus..."
"The Ollie on the bus..."
Haha, Ami was cracking up.
At one point, Mike and I were talking about my idea of a book that has the entire (Noah's) arc farting and Ami said, "You talkin to me???"
My family rocks.
Friday, October 7, 2011
"Where We Going?"
We later went to Roma's after we picked up Papa from work. Larry was with him.
Papa bought Ami some more 'squishy friends.'
Have I shown you my monster vitamins!!!????
Oh dear they are ginormous.
The End