This was the first day Ami went to Alphabet Soup at the library. She said, Poo Poo, to the Mother Goose babies and watched the two year old big kids listen to dinosaur themed books being read. It was mostly an observation day. She DID participate in some of the music therapy jingle bells. At the end, she bonded with a two and a half year old girl by running around with her in the emptying room. The mom had a baby w her so we chatted.
She said there were some helpful books about preparing for a baby- one she found actually had a picture of the baby being breastfed. I know this is going to be hard for Ami. She STILL asks for my milky. The book is called My New Baby by Rachel Fuller.Unfortunately I didn't have time to go looking for it, Ami and I had to meet Papa at the house to get ready for the day.
Ami and her new friend parted ways in the parking lot. I love little kid goodbyes.
Right after we got home, Ami found herself a spot on the living room floor, sat and parked. "Dude. I'm tired."
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