Monday, June 20, 2011

My Birthday Monster!

Currently, it is almost 8 in the evening. I am watching Meaning of Food on Netflix and eating Craig Wedron's baked brie recipe (sans dried cherries) with a wheat baguette.
Currently, I am alone.

I know I'll end up watching RuPaul's Drag Race, telling myself that it is part of my weekend recovery, but I'll know it's a lie.

All week had been preparation for that weekend- Amelie's Birthday party and Father's Day.
Ami started her present for Papa earlier last week... It's a Blank she unblanked.
Ami's stoked she is now in a big girl car seat. She gave Papa a high five.
While we were waiting for Papa at the convenience store, I snapped this...
I tested out cutting fruit leather out with a knife. I used these to top Ami's cupcakes.
Saturday was her Birthday Party. These are some of the cupcakes. I think Jonathan liked them.

A Graziano-Jurgenson masterpiece.

Later on that day, Ami finished Papa's Blank Monster...

Every object and it's placement was her decision.

On Sunday, Papa went to work on Mike's tattoo for a few hours then he came home.
This is the Father's day card Ami decorated for her Papa. I think he liked it.
Then we were off to the Tschirn Fam Father's Day Dinner.

Ami couldn't wait to play outside. I got BITTEN by the squitos when I was down there, so I confined myself on the deck.
Played outside at Trish's after Father's day dinner.
Later, we cooked out at Gabby and Larry's. Black bean cakes and corn dressing, corn on the cob, roasted veggies....

I think Larry and Ami were playing hide and seek.

Now here I am, brie and baguette by my side and yes, I did end up watching Drag Race.

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