Our D.C. Smithsonian Adventure was really really awesome. I love spending time with ppl I love and having adventures.
We ate the lunch we brought at a sculpture garden where Yoko Ono's Wish Tree is planted. But there was no wishing, my friend, as the tree was in winter recovery, I think.
Yes, my stupid finger is in the way. Besides that, Ami was running around the mall... chasing me, chasing birds....
She and I have been reading 10 Little Rubber Ducks the past 3 nights and there is a spread of a whale that spans two facing pages, so she knew they were big... she just had no idea the actual size so she was so enthralled by it.
She was just so intrigued by everything.
"What name? What this, Craig?"
Ami saw Craig holding the hissing cockroach and really wanted to hold it. Gayle, the bug volunteer (who, btw, I totally wanted to be... she was in a white lab coat like the other volunteers but she had sparkly bug jewelry running along the breast of it... so freakin cool), was so nice and gentle, enthusiastically trusted us and let Ami hold the hissing cockroach, a grasshopper, then a millipede.
The millipede, however, was too tickly and weird for her so Craig held it while she pet it.
She thought the whole trip was awesome and amazing. We all came out of it fulfilled.
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