Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kicking Off Mondays With Your Combat Boots.

The maintenance guy got a kick out of Ami's question, "What are you doing, Guy?"
Of course she said it over and over which is definitely her new thing to do.
Being patient and creative while answering the same question differently every time can get exhausting.

The good news, our A.C. is working at the moment.
The bad news, we might need a new unit. This depends on whether or not there is a Freon leak.  I'm thinking there is a Freon leak because I'm sure they put Freon in there quite recently.
I told that to the new maintenance guy amongst other things like, "Because the unit freezes then defrosts, it leaks and I have towels down, but they get soaked and I'm sure there is damage to the particle board or whatever is laid down there in the closet, " and, "I think the other maintenance guy just put Freon in like a month ago," as well as when he said it's good to not wait the 6 months for them to come out but to change the filter every month or two months I said, "Yeah, we've ventured in that before but the filter is a special order size," but he just wasn't listening.  I gave him lots of good information.  I dislike him already... Stupid new maintenance guy.

On a more fun note, I've been collecting recipes!

My gramma suggested I do that and... duh.  yeah, that makes sense. I'm doing it Meade composition notebook by hand style like Ana Pascal so...  It makes me want to join a weekly evil-conspiracy and needle point group.

Ami's been picking off googly eyes... little bugger.

And... this is just darn cute-

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