Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Death For The Dead"

I haven't been listening to much music lately...
I really think it's helping me create my own.

Besides the Crypts, I have Monster, the Hot Cocks, and a project w Lilly- all of which I am excited about.

The Crypts are recording in March! We're introducing a new member, Professor Gilliam, as well as some really good songs.

In a few minutes, Mike is going to teach me the Hot Cocks song he wrote. I have some words to it... I really like this song.

And... today was good.  Ami, Ollie, and I played catch and kicked the ball around- the weather was beautiful.

Mike texted me and suggested we do, "Tonight, You Belong To Me" and as cheesy as it is :) I agreed.
So, Ami and I were looking at YouTube videos of the song. We found one video where a guy is teaching the viewer how to play the song. As we were watching it, Ami said, "Where's his nubby? Why doesn't he have a nubby?"

Of course I told her it was because he didn't get his finger hurt and she hasn't talked anymore about it. I'm sure tomorrow, she'll have more questions.

Then we found a Zooey and some other guy video doing that song. Ami and I must have watched it 5 or so times. Every time, she asked me to sing along w Zooey and soon Ami was singing it.

That's a smart cookie.

Another smart cookie is the cookie we made today- the amazing chocolate chip blueberry cookie.  Next time I'm going to use less sugar, and more blueberries than chips, but they are really good. I think I had 5 of them.

Anyway, the kids are sleeping. Mike is working on a drawing and I decided to put on Beetle Juice.  We got started talking about Winona Ryder and then the Beetle Juice cartoon. I looked it up on my phone and realized I was watching both Beetle Juices, feeling like a fool.  The cartoon is still good.

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