Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Have I Posted Any Of These Pictures Yet?

My friend Amanda from high school and I have reconnected. She lives up north a bit and we've been visiting each other... she has been visiting me more than the other way around.

Last time she was here, she, Gabby, Bean, Ami, Ollie and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. 
I like that Amanda.

At Nina's Ami has been decorating ornaments and decorations...

She made this one for me.

Nina's dinners are green and delicious.

Is this SkyRim?

Nina took us on a carriage ride downtown.  We all enjoyed it.  One of the coaches gave us some history of the town from George Washington to Eileen, the owner of Eileen's Bakery. It was really lovely, as was the weather and company.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ami's Monkey

My friend Stefanie came over for a tasting of pumpkin pie chocolate brownies and Nutella ice cream I made sometime last week. She walked in and immediately said how nice it was that a house full of kids didn't have the t.v. blaring.  Thank you, Stefanie.

It's really hard.

Especially when the 2 1/2 year old is an Ami.

Right before Stefanie came over, Ami created a masterpiece. A really detailed monkey...

As you can see... it's on the wall.

The thing that kills me is that she KNOWS better.
I know this because the first time we read Olivia, Olivia paints on her wall. Ami KNEW Olivia was going to get a time out.

Here is the link to Olivia's adventure...

The monkey is awesome, though.  It's the best yet.